Thursday, November 1, 2007

For Money Or Love?

According to a new survey released by Prince&Associates, a Connecticut based wealth research firm, a growing number of both men and women are willing to marry for assets, rather than love. The survey indicates that the average "price" demanded by both sexes these days is $1.5 million. According to the Wall Street Journal, the survey sites a Craigslist personal posted this summer, in which a woman who describes herself as "fantastically beautiful", wrote that she sought a man making at least, $500,000. She tried dating men earning $250,000, but, according to her, that wasn't "getting me to Central Park West". An investment banker responded, sayiong that since his money was likely to increase in value over time, while her beauty "faded", the offer "didn't make good business sense". What do you think? For money or for love???

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