Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wedding Jitters Keeping You Awake At Night?

Experts say the amount of sleep can determine the outcome of events by affecting the decisions you make, so you want to make sure to get a 7 to 8 hours of sleep regularly. If you're having trouble try these recommendations; Set a bedtime alarm: Dr. Breus author of 'Beauty Sleep' suggests setting your alarm an hour before hitting the sack. He calls it a power-down hour, when you take care of all of the necessary chores, hygiene, and relaxation; You can also try counting numbers, not sheep. Dr. Breus suggests you try counting backwards from 300 by threes. "Unless you're a math ace, you probably won't be able to focus on anything else while you're doing this". He also suggests setting your alarm a half hour earlier, which he says is the effective way to reset your body clock. You can read more in Beauty Sleep: Look Younger, Lose Weight, and Feel Great Through Better Sleep.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Optimism Can Be Healthy

Studies show that optimism leads to better health. Although the terms may be used interchangeably, there is a difference btwn optimism and happiness. "Happiness is an emotion, a feeling", whereas"optimsim is a belief about the future" Suzanne Segerstrom, PhD, author of "breaking Murphy's law: How optimist get what they want out of life -and pessimists can too.

Among the advantages of an optimistic mindset include; less likely occurance of depression, anxiety, dementia, and others, and optimists tend to have happier love lives and healthier pregnancies.