Sunday, March 2, 2008

Candace and Terrance

Candace and Terrance pride themselves on a simple relationship. One founded on the principles of honesty, openness and God, but they love to have fun. "We often joke around an say, he's 3, and I'm 5!" She works in the financial district, but wants to go into teaching, and Terrence is a secular minister in New Hyde Park. The two met online, and had great email chemistry, and hit it off right away. "I'd never met anyone on Myspace before but we had such great email conversations that we decided to make it into phone conversations within a few days -ah, sweet technology!"

For their honeymoon, they're planning a trip to Italy. Candace has always wanted to see Venice, and Terrance knows Italian food, and according to Candace, "he's very good at cooking it. He calls himself Italian. So he wants to visit his 'hometown'"

She says that if there was one piece of advice she would give to couples it would be "to make sure that you heed the wisdom of those older than you, but don't let it consume you. At the end of the day, the old adage of "too many cooks spoils the pot" is so true; if you let too many people tell you
and your mate how to make your relationship work instead of actually
talking things through with each other, you're not going to have an
easy time making it." Ooh, great advice Candace! Don't listen to too much advice!

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